Bluebirds Project

blue feather Photos & Movie

blue feather Altricial or precocial

blue feather Feeding

blue feather Food Web

blue feather Song

blue feather Camouflage

blue feather Winter


blue feather Charting eggs

blue feather All about Birds

blue feather Frayer Model Birds - doc. | pdf

blue feather Collecting data

blue feather Compare/Contrast

blue feather Nest Box Log ele/ms/hs

blue feather Life Cycles ele/ms

blue feather Variables

blue feather Feather Facts

blue feather Scientific Thinking ele/ms/hs

blue feather Systems & Controls

blue feather Feeder Project doc | pdf

blue feather Science Journal Entry

blue feather Make Bluebird Puzzle

blue feather Ecology Vocabulary

blue feather Classification

blue feather Resources

spaceBluebird video at NGS

spaceEggs Fact Hunt

spaceBirds Book online

spaceBirds Facts Activity

spaceLearn about Nests

spaceFields, Meadows EcoUnit

Other Nestbox residents:

spaceTree Swallows

spaceEnglish Sparrow


spaceWren Chicks




bluebird guards house

Bluebirds Project

Compare and Contrast Bluebirds with another bird

Discover what is unique about bluebirds

blue arrow 1. Do this Comparison and Contrast Guide @ ReadWriteThink - online activity.

2. Download/print the Compare and Contrast graphic organizer.


Super techies: If you can complete this activity using the computer to enter the info and keep the organizer's basic format, Go for it.

Make a digital document that replicates the basic format of the doc.
shown at the left. Complete the exercise, saving frequently. Be sure to enter your name and the date in a document header.

Submit the document either by printing it or emailing/drop boxing the edocument itself. (Stuff happens: Always keep a copy of your finished project.)

3. Select a bird you have seen in real life or in a video, on a web page or on TV.
Compare and contrast it with the species of bluebirds that lives in your region.


Helpful resources: All about Birds - Bird Guide from Cornell University

Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter


blue arrow Conclude: Which bird is better adapted for living in your community?





Studying Birds

A Study Of Bluebird Management

Citizen Science Projects


Handbook of Biological Statistics! online textbook

Main Bluebird Project page

BirdSleuth: Investigating Evidence - free materials from Cornell University

Photo is public domain

Proof your responses. It is funny how speling errors and typeos sneak in to the bets work. smiling icon

Nature / Internet Hunts / Pennsylvania Projects / Puzzles and Projects / Computers / Mrs. O's House / Site Map

Cindy O'Hora, Posted February 2/2009

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.