Late Summer Investigation Mystery
"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called
research, would it?" ~ Albert Einstein
It was a cool summer evening. I decided to close some of the windows.
When I reached up to close this window I saw an odd object.
Hone your observation and reasoning skills by carefully examining the photos.
Write your observations. Note as many details as you can.
Hint: Click on the photo - a larger view will open. Use your Back button to return to this page.
Solve the mystery. What do you believe is going on here?
Make a prediction about what might happen next.
Suggest a solution. What should I do - close the window?
I checked the object for a couple days. I did not detect any changes.
Eleven days later, I checked the window and I observed a significant change.
Click on the image for a larger view.
Make a new set of observations.
Given this new data - explain what I have observed and missed observing.