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The Winter People Internet Hunt Directions: Click on the link to go to a web site with the answer to
the question. 1. In your opinion, what makes Joseph Bruchac highly qualified to write this story.
2. At the dance, musicians used several kinds of instruments.
3. At the beginning of Chapter 10, Saxso talks about time
keeping with the church bells and a clock.
Read "The
World's Time Zones". Examine the map on the right side of the paragraph.
Name a way (other than a clock) that you keep time.
4. A birch bark canoe was a vital tool for Saxso to use
to save his family.
What were two advantages to using a birch bark canoe?
5. Saxso tells of many ways the Abenaki people used plants.
Name another plant used by Native Americans for healing. How was it used?
6. Many times during the story a folk tale or legend is used to
teach a lesson. Title of the tale/legend read: Lesson taught:
7. Vocabulary - Use this online dictionary to find the meaning of the following words
Stealthily -
8. TAI (Think about it) - Who were the Winter People?
Why did Saxso call them that?
9. During the 1600 to 1800's Indian populations were decimated by epidemics. How did this happen?
10. Bruchac uses literary devices to paint a vivid picture of events in the book. For example: he described Great Simon being shot
... This is an example of which literary device? a Simile / a Metaphor / Personification
11. The Abenaki people named many places where they lived. Those name are still used today.
Calculated to challenge How many books about Native Americans does your library have?
What percentage of the library's Native American books were written by Bruchac?
"Most battles are lost before the fighting ever begins." Pierre Ktsi Awasos Done Already?
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