Make a Bookmark or Favorite of the hunt page to make it easy to return to this page for the next question. Delete the bookmark when you have completed the activity. answer sheet info 1.Who was Matoaka?
What was Powhatan's meaning of true power? Listen to Chief Anne "Little Fawn" Richardson.
2. Who was Tecumseh?
Tecumseh said, "Sell a country? Why not sell the air?" 3. Geronimo was a great Apache warrior and Chief. What was his hope for the future of his people?
4. How did Wilma Mankiller serve her people?
How is the US government honoring her?
5. Lori Piestewa is an American hero. What happened to her? How has she been honored?
6. What events lead to Cochise fighting the US Army? Do you think he was fairly treated?
Why or Why not?
7. Sequoyah developed a writing system for the Cherokee people. How did they react to it?
8. A 17 year old, Native American girl was indispensable
to the Corps of Discovery.
How did she help?
9. President Andrew Jackson forcibly removed many Eastern
Tribes from their land.
How did Jackson treat him when he was captured? Was this right to do?
10. The Proclamation of 1763 was the result of a rebellion lead by _________________________?
Was the proclamation obeyed?
11. Chief Logan was a friend of the white settlers until ....
12. When you think of a Native American leader, Tatanka
Iyotanka may come to mind.
How is he remembered by his people?
13. For what did Russell Means fight?
14. A U.S. Marine, who was a Pima Indian, was part of
a famous moment in WWII.
What was that moment?
There are many examples of Native Americans heroically serving in the US Military.
15. Big
Foot was trying to doing something when his group was attacked.
TAI - What is this kind of action called?
16. Identify a Native American remembered in the National
Statuary Hall Collection
17. Listen to Dr. Joseph Medicine Crow. He is a Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipient. What can we learn from him?
18. What was Susan La Flesche Picotte's greatest accomplishment?
19. Oglala Lakota tribe member Billy Mills grew up an orphan in poverty. Mills won an Olympic gold medal.
Identify a challenge in your life where is process can help you achieve better results.
Use your research skills.
How were they vital to the war effort in World War II?
21. Cherokee tribe member, Mary G. Ross was honored with a Google Doodle. Why?
22. Deb Haaland is an exceptional woman. Which of her accomplishments do you feel is the greatest?
Challenge: "Don't judge a man until you've walked
two moons in his moccasins."
Look into it: Master Sgt. Woodrow Wilson Keeble was given one of the nation's highest honors.
Do some research - Identify a Native American person who has contributed to your community, your county or your state. * Consider Native American storytelling * Explore Maps of United States Indians by State - compare your stats with a neighboring state.
* Native Americans Comparison & Contrast Diagram Project * US Census Bureau data on U.S. Native Peoples * Native Americans Today lesson plan - ReadWriteThink Done Already?
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Cynthia J. O'Hora
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a hunt, for use in a classroom setting.
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