Revolutionary War on Wednesday Internet Hunt  
based on the book in the Magic Tree House series by Mary Pope Osborne

Directions: Use the links provided to find the answers to the questions.
Click the Back button to return to the hunt page for the next question. Printer version

1. Jack and Annie go on this quest to help Morgan save Camelot. What is Camelot?


2. The children come upon some Continental Army soldiers preparing to cross the Delaware River.
Use words to write the number of soldiers crossed the river that night.

Example: Our flag has Fifty stars for Fifty states and thirteen stripes for the thirteen original colonies.


3. The artist, Emmaneul Gottlieb Leutze, painted a beautiful picture of the Washington Crossing the Delaware.
The painting is slightly changed on the cover of the book.

Annie is substituted for someone. Who has she replaced?


4. Washington reads from a paper written by the patriot, Thomas Paine. What was the paper called?


5. What did President John Adams say about the writings of Thomas Paine?


6. What is the name of the place where the troops crossed the river?


7. Compare the facts.
How long did it take for the Continental Army
to cross the Delaware River?

How many hours you will spend at school today?

Which is longer: your day at school or the army's crossing?

What is the difference?


8. Write two important facts about George Washington.


9. General Washington uses boats to cross the river. Imagine Jack and Annie tell him a boating safety tip.
Write a winter boating safety tip for them.


10. Write two facts about the Delaware River.


11. What were some of the challenges the Continental Army faced that Christmas night?


12. General Washington used passwords to protect the army and it's secrets.
What were the sentries' watchword (passwords) on this night?


Think about it. You are assigned the task of suggesting passwords to General Washington.
Make a suggestion. Explain your choice.


"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly:
it is dearness only that gives every thing its value." ~ Thomas Paine


Done Already? GOOD WORK!

Tackle the Revolutionary War on Wednesday crossword puzzle.

Write a postcard for Jack or Annie | George Washington podcasts | Revolutionary War Spies Project

Watch the movie called Winter Patriots on the Mount Vernon web site. Exceptional

The U.S. Mint is giving each state its own quarter. Which state's quarter has Washington Crossing the Delaware on it?

Explore the Washington Crossing Historic Park web site.

Check it out. The title says this event took place on a Wednesday. Use this Perpetual calendar to see if that is true.
I was born on a Saturday. On what day of the week were you born?

Read Elisha Bostwick's description of crossing the Delaware.

Thomas Paine web site | Thomas Paine's Mighty Pen

Founding Mothers & the Daughters of Liberty

Read The Scarlet Stocking Spy by Trinka Noble take the quiz

Watch the web movie The Shot Heard Round the World. (This may take a few minutes to load, but it is so remarkable it is well worth the time.)

Internet Hunts / Nature / Computers / Pennsylvania Projects / Puzzles & Projects / Site map / Mrs. O's House

2005 Cynthia J. O'Hora. In the spirit of Thomas Paine released to public domain. posted June 2005 updated 11/2024

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