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EcoStudy Unit

Plant Parts Activity

Directions: Use the links to The Great Plant Escape site to find the answers to the questions.
Use a Bookmark, to return to this page. Printer version

1. What do roots do?




Plants can have either a _______________________________ system or a _________________________________system.

2. What are the two things stems do for a plant?



The xylem cells -

The phloem cells -

3. The leaves of the plant are important because ...

A simple leaf has

A compound leaf has

The outer surface of the leaf has a waxy coating called a _______________. It ..

The leaves manufacture glucose (a sugar) to feed the plant. This is called


For this process, the plant needs ________________________, ____________________________, and _________________________ in the leaves.

Photosynthesis supplies _____________________for the plant and a gas called __________________for other forms of life.

4. Flowers are important in __________________________ ____________________________.

The female part of a flower is called the

The male part of the flower is called the

The joining of pollen with an ovule to form a seed is called ______________________________________.

Petals are also important parts of the flower because they help attract pollinators. Name three pollinators.

5. Fruit is the ___________________________________________________________________________.

Every seed is a tiny plant (embryo) with leaves, stems, and root parts waiting for the right things to happen to make it

____________________________ and _____________________.

6. All plants need these seven things to grow. Write them.

1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.

7. Check what you have learned - Mysteries

1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.

8. Life Cycle of a Plant

An Annual is -

A Biennial lives

A perennial plant is -


Which one of these life cycles apply to mammals?

9. Think About It - Which parts of plants do people eat?


10. The science of studying plants is called ... (Use your online research skills to find the answer.)


leaf Watch Green Thumbs video - future channel Conduct the experiment. What are your findings?

Complete a Frayer Model for Plants - pdf format | doc. format

Challenge yourself - Do another Frayer Model for trees or algae.

Dig into Saving the Plants. | Inside a Leaf | Plant Explorer | Sleeping seeds | Field Ecology: Successful Seeds

Biology of Plants | The Life Cycle of Plants | Do this Life Cycle activity | Lichens - plant cooperation

Observation - Science Skill Builders > 40 activities

Capturing Carbon - Nova Science Now online video Jul. 2008
An eighth-grader's science fair project prompts her scientist father to develop a new way to pull excess
carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere!

Variation - grouping things. Watch Variation and classification

Do this Dichotomous Key activity for two of the species.
Make a Dichotomous Key for a species of fruit or vegetable served at lunch this week.

"Come forth into the light of things, Let nature be your teacher."...William Wordsworth

Done Already?

Meet the plant parts while building a salad Explore the secret life of trees.
Photosynthesis Webquest Milkweed and Monarch Butterflies Mania
Check out Plants and People Plants - Biology
More on Plant Parts To Plant or Not to Plant
Electronic Naturalist - nature study with materials Rainforest maths interactive math K to 7
Why Do Plants Have Flowers? Mather Field Vernal Pools
Plant life cycles - highly engaging interactive Plants and our environment - thinkquest site
Inside a Flower Comparing Plant and Animal Cells Photosynthesis
Zone Creep video Trees Internet hunt Learn About Trees. Download information and worksheets about trees.
Leaf Classification Bud Burst Protocol Lentic ecosystem or Lotic ecosystem
If Trees could Talk Map the Trees in your Community - project based learning
Saving the Nation's Seed Supply Alien Invasion - Plants on the move
Pathfinder Science - "hands-on, minds-on" activities (student scientists not just science students)

ivy line

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2006 Cynthia J. O'Hora Educators may print a hunt, exactly as it appears, for use in a classroom setting.

tree icon Save a tree - use a digital answer format - Highlight the text. Copy it. Paste it in a word processing document. Save the document in your folder. Answer on the word processing document in a contrasting color (not yellow) or font (avoid blackmore, brodfont dear or other ornate artistic fonts). Save frequently as you work. I have never liked losing my work. You will not like it either. Be sure to enter your name & the date at the top of the document. Submit via email attachment or class dropbox. Bad things happen: Save a copy of the response document for your records.

Proof read your responses. It is funny how speling errors and typeos sneak in to the bets work. smiling icon Make your own printer paper answer sheet