Leaf it to me. A Learn about Trees facts hunt
“The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The next best time is today.”

Directions: Use the links to find the answers to the questions.
If a link is broken, use your research know how to identify an answer.
Use the Printer version for your answer sheet.

1. How many species of trees are there in the world?

2. The study of trees is called
(Hint: A glossary gives a list of words and their meanings) or Use your browser's Find feature to scan the article for the answer. Go Edit... Find. Enter "study of".

The science that studies living organisms is called biology.
A scientist who studies biology is called a biologist.

Think about it - A scientist who studies trees is called a

3. Scientists divide trees into several categories.
Write each group. Give a fact for each group. Write one tree species in that group.





4. A small number of trees growing together is called a

Many trees growing together is called a

5. How does a tree grow?

Use the diagram and this information to answer these questions

a. The outer most layer on a tree is called

b. What is the role of this outer layer?


c. The inner most layer of a tree's trunk is called


6. Although you do not see it, trees breathe. Explain.


How is this important to you?


7. Look up your state tree in the USDAFS Silvics of North America.
Could that species of tree grow on your school's property?

Why or why not?

8. Trees can be identified by their leaves. Scientists distinguish one leaf from a another by the leaf's shape.

How many different leaf shapes are there?


A deltoid shaped leaf resembles a geometric shape. Draw the shape.


Think About It: How could you identify a tree that has no leaves?


Practice Tree identification

9. Scan/read the article Red Maple and Black Birch: Pennsylvania's New Dominant Species.

a. What factors have impacted the forest?


b. What animals have contributed to the decline of oaks?


c. How are oaks important to the survival of many forest animals?


d. What do you predict will be the outcome of these changes in the forest?


e. Name two traits of Black Birch trees that are helping them succeed in the forest.


TAI (Think about it) - List two ways people could intervene in this succession process.


10. Use your online research skills to discover 3 different ways that people have used bark.



11. How many trees, that are listed in the National Register of Big Trees, are found in your state?


What is the species of the largest tree in your state?


12. How are trees helping to solve a challenging problem?


Go Out on a Limb. ;-)

13. Evaluate - The Giving Shade Tree -
Are the trees around your school planted in a way that will reduce the building's energy demands?


14. Select a tree at your home, school or local park. Input the data - National Tree Benefit Calculator

What are its benefits?


15. Describe how to measure a tall tree.


Complete one or more of these tree related activities:

Complete a tree type Frayer Model (or 2) form doc. | pdf.

National Champion trees challenge

How to measure a tree. Apply what you've learned by measuring a tree in your community.

Map and Inventory trees in your community - project based learning

Read how these scientists estimated there were 3 trillion trees on our planet. Try it. count how many kids are in your classroom. How many classrooms are there in your school? Estimate how many students attend your school. Find out - how close you are to the actual count.

Make a crossword puzzle using tree related vocabulary. -
The more words you use and the better the clues given, the more credit you will earn.

Using trees as cleaning tools | Go out on a limb - Lots of "Treemendous" Activites

The Role of Trees & Forests in Healthy Watersheds - Managing Stormwater, Reducing Flooding, and Improving Water Quality - pdf

Branches of trees form lots of angles. Your mom askes you, "What is the angle of the branch in the pear tree in the yard?" No problem. Learn about angles video at Khan Academy Learn about unknown angles using this interesting video.

Oaks are vital members of our ecosystem. Learn lots about oaks and the numerous species that depend on them.

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2004 Cynthia J. O'Hora, updated 4/2017
Released to public domain use in honor of Nobel Prize winner Dr Wangari Maathai for her visionary Green Belt Movement

tree icon Save a tree - Use a digital answer format - Highlight the text. Copy it. Paste it in a word processing document. Save the document in your folder. Answer on the word processing document in an easily read, contrasting color or font. (No yellow, avoid Symbols, broad font, dear font and other fancy font) Or perhaps you have the resources to record verbal answers. If you do, be sure to first read / record the question. Then record the answer immediately after it.

Make Your Own Printed answer sheet.