Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve Internet Hunt
Based on the book in the Magic Tree House Series by Mary Pope Osborne

Directions: Click on the underlined words - links to find the answers to the questions.
Use a bookmark of this hunt page to return to it. Delete the bookmark when you are finished. printer version

1. Jack and Annie look for Merlin in the heart of an oak tree.
Name a place in England named after Merlin
. On which continent is the country of England located?
Research the answer.


2. The children enter the castle by going to the gatehouse. Why were Gate Houses built on castles?
(Click on the link for gate house on the web page to see a real one. Use your bookmark of the hunt page to return.)


3. Jack and Annie walk right up to the castle. At Beaumaris Castle, Wales they could not do that.

4. There are birds called ravens in the story. Some people think ravens are crows.
Write two ways to tell a raven from a crow.


Raven video at BBC (on YouTube)

Write a question about ravens.


5. The children must think of words that rhyme with tree. Use this rhyming dictionary to look up tree.
Write 3 words
. (Directions: Type the word tree in the Word box. Click on the "Search" button.


6. Most plants flower in the spring. When does the witch hazel flower bloom?


Extra Credit: Teddy uses the hazel wood stick as a wand.
Other people use the hazel wood sticks
to find something.What is it?


7. Mary Pope Osborne had many jobs before she became an author.
How many different kinds of jobs did she have



I Think - Essay: Ms Osborne says, "I'm always aiming for a combination of fun, adventure and learning.".
Was she successful in this book? Explain.


Are you finished already? Good for you!

Haunted House on Hallows Eve - crossword puzzle

Autumn Internet Hunt

Make a set of Character Trading Cards - worksheet (ReadWriteThink)

Write a letter to a character

Explore the Magic Tree House web site

More Magic Treehouse fun activities Put on a legend play

Write a postcard for Jack or Annie

Observation Activity: The First Step in the Scientific Method

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Copyright ©2003 Cindy O'Hora All Rights Reserved. Individuals may print this hunt, for use in a classroom setting or for personal use. Use of these materials constitutes an agreement with these terms of use. FAQ Updated 10/2024, Posted September 2003.