Database - Organizing

Databases are a terrific way to organize large amounts of information. A strong database starts with a good organization. This exercise looks at web resources that offer lots of information. The users of the information would be helped by a database.

Assume you are making a database for them. Look at the information provided on the web page(s).
Indicate what would be a Record. List the Fields.

1. Constellations

A Record would be:

List the Fields:



2. List of African Americans


List the Fields:



3. Web safe Non - Dithering colors


List the Fields:


4. History of Tools


List the Fields:




List 10 Fields:



6. Prominent Pennsylvanians


List the Fields:



7. Wildflowers in bloom


List 8 Fields:



8. Your School's Policies or Student Handbook
If your school has this information online use it. If not, get a paper based version. Use it to answer the questions.


List the Fields:



Watch - Delicious Library - a program that helps you track your book and music collections. What kind of software is this? Name the database it utilizes.

Offline: Explain how the students or parents would benefit from having an online database of the district's policies. Give two examples.




Database Internet Hunt

Harnessing Databases

Database Activity - vocabulary

Database - Organize

AppleWorks database tips

Internet Hunts / Nature / Computers / Puzzles & Projects / Site map / Home

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Copyright January 2006 Cynthia O'Hora All Rights Reserved.

Pennsylvania Academic Standards:

Science and Technology 3.7. Technological Devices -
4. E - Identify basic computer communications systems. Apply a web browser. Use on-line searches to answer age appropriate questions.

7 C. Explain and demonstrate basic computer operations and concepts. Know specialized computer applications used in the community.

7 D. Apply computer software to solve specific problems. Apply intermediate skills in utilizing database software.

7 E. Explain basic computer communications systems. Apply basic on-line research techniques to solve a specific problem.

10 D. Utilize computer software to solve specific problems. Select and apply software designed to meet specific needs

10 E. Apply basic computer communications systems.

Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening 1.8 Research
5 B. Locate information using appropriate sources and strategies. Use traditional and electronic search tools.

5 C. Organize and present the main ideas from research.

5 B. Locate information using appropriate sources and strategies. Select essential sources - databases