In Take me out of the bathtub and other silly dilly songs* Alan Katz uses common children's songs to make new funny songs. Kantz changes some or all of the words in the lyrics, but uses the famous melodies. The traditional songs may seem simple, but rewriting the lyrics can be a challenge. For Take Me out of the Bathtub!, Katz uses the melody from Take Me out to the Ballgame. "Take me out of the bathtub A fun song can be a great tool for remembering facts you need to memorize. I'll bet you can sing close to 50 songs off by heart. The same "easy to recall" idea can help you be a better student. Write a facts based song
Educational rap music - the other three r's WOW! check it out! You could also try this idea for other subjects like: oceans and continents, planets and heavenly bodies in the solar system, geometric figures or elements of the periodic table. For a real challenge make a song that helps you remember the parts of the cell! Mnemonics for kids | 11 Fun Mnemonics SAT: Why Memorize What You Can Rock? | Schoolhouse Rock
It is a fact - People studying to be nurses and doctors use many mnemonics to memorize lots of facts. * Take me out of the bathtub and other silly dilly songs by Alan Katz, Illustrated by David Catrow. Margaret K. McElderry Books 2001. The United States of Art - Explore examples of public art in this interactive Google map. Add you town or region's public art to the map. Internet Hunts / Nature / Pennsylvania Projects / Computers / Famous Pennsylvanians / Plants and People / Puzzles & Projects / Home Posted 10/2006 by Cynthia J. O'Hora. This work is released to the public domain |